Today, let me share some perspectives on another law of Divine Right Order–Connectedness or the Law of One. If you missed the blog post on the first law of Divine Right Order, Unconditional Love, you could check it out here. The universal law of connectedness or...
You may know a lot about yourself, your skills, talents, attitudes, character traits, your “buttons,” your preferences, and a lot more. But do you also your main soul energies, what you are made of energetically? Probably not. Time to change that. The key...
What’s your mission in life? What’s your purpose in being here? What is it specifically you came here to do, at this point in time? Do you believe that you are here for a reason? Do you sense that there is specific work you should be doing and contributing...
A soul’s life theme can be considered as an energetic quality. It’s based on past choices and experiences your soul has made. Examples for life themes could be, for instance, abundance, acceptance, trust, passion, partnership, silence, peace, energy,...
The soul group of origination is the planet where your soul went right after being created by Source Do you know your soul group of origination? Knowing it gives you insightful hints on who you are at soul level and provides you with a deeper understanding of...
Today, I want to share one of the stories regarding my own, recent soul realignment process. One of the blocks and restrictions that came up was an earthbound spirit. It was my older brother who was killed in a car accident a couple of years ago. Earthbound spirits...
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