“The journey with you is just incredible!” | Maja

"the journey with you is incredible" | Energy Field Mastery | Tamara Schenk

It all started less than a year ago, when Maha signed up for the Advanced Auric Clearing Certification. She was certified very fast, and she continued the journey and is already certified as an Advanced Trauma Clearing Practitioner. Her life and business have changed fundamentally for the better. I couldn’t be more proud of the results she creates for her clients, humans and animals alike.

I am deeply grateful that I could do my training with Tamara and that our journey together continues. The subsequent trainings are booked and follow. A lot has happened, and I learned to master highly effective tools for my work that enrich my portfolio perfectly. I love learning from you and can achieve tremendous breakthroughs for my clients. Everything is always new and fascinating, especially for customers who are sometimes initially skeptical. Then they feel what is happening in their body and are always speechless. The journey with you is just incredible! I can wholeheartedly recommend the certification.

Find out more here.