“More light – true soul potential” | Nadine

Advanced Auric Clearing Certification | Energy Field Mastery | Tamara Schenk

“More light – true soul potential.” – I am very happy and grateful to receive such beautiful feedback from my amazing student Nadine, who is in the middle of her Advanced Auric Clearing Certification training! She integrates and learns very fast, and her work with animals and humans is soon going to the next level.

🕊🕊🕊 Power Animal Pigeon 🕊🕊🕊

Three weeks ago – to be more precise – since my birthday, I meet at least two pigeons every day, sometimes more. Whether they’re flying over me, sitting on the lawn, or cooing loudly in the tree… they’re everywhere, supporting.

Tamara accompanies me for three weeks. At this point, we have started my certification training for Advanced Auric Clearing, and I experienced my advanced auric clearing. An essential and groundbreaking journey for me, which causes my inner straightening. I have felt so much peace and happiness for myself and the ALL ONE ever since.

The next few weeks will demand courage, trust in me, and confidence from me. I can feel that very clearly and am happy to take significant but necessary steps out of my comfort zone.

Since my Advanced Auric Clearing of my energy centers at the quantum level, I am letting go, making room for more LIGHT, and coming into my true soul potential.

And that’s what I’ve gained in the last three weeks: I can show myself with all my abilities and live the life that’s meant for me; spread my wings wide; let them whimper in all colors in the sunlight, even if one or the other doesn’t like it!

Today I had my karma clearing and am so impressed with the depth. The next few weeks will be great, and thanks to Tamara’s support, I can certainly do it. I’m really grateful to have met her!

Source: Proven Expert

Find more on Advanced Auric Clearing Practitioner Certification