Thank you, Tamara, for all your help, compassion and work with finding my soul, which I feel was lost and not been true to myself, I feel so much more like my old self, no longer lost in a life I did not feel comfortable in.
With your instruction and guiding me through this process, I truly feel lifted, setting the intent and finding I can do this, I am strong I am worthy.
This has been an amazing experience and I highly recommend your service to any lost soul needing to be found.
I was blind, now I can see, you made a believer out of me
I was blind, now I can see, you made a believer out of me
I’m moving on up now, getting out of the darkness
My light shines on, my light shines on, my light shines on
I was lost, now I’m found, I believe in you, I’ve got no bounds
I was lost, now I’m found, I believe in you, I got no bounds
I’m moving on up now, getting out of the darkness
My light shines on, my light shines on, my light shines on
This song came to me as I started to write and I feel its only right to share with you and anyone out there how I feel and this sums up where I came from in the summer to where we are now in the autumn.
Kind Regards Ali
people don’t think umm n rrrrrr just do go for it, walk out of the darkness and shine on