“Insightful and amazingly accurate” | Nico D. | UK

“I found this experience to be very rewarding on a deep soul level. Tamara was very clear and insightful, and the reading was amazingly accurate for the timings of traumatic things that had happened in my life.

I had a dream the night after the reading, pertaining to something we had discussed about Earthbound spirits affecting my day to day life and energy. Three very important people in my life had died within a space of 3 months, in the dream one of them came to me and said sorry for putting watches on my wrist! Since then I have noticed a change in my energy and feel that they have left me. I also feel a difference in my internal thoughts and feel that some re-occurring negative thought patterns have considerable lessons.

I would highly recommend Tamara as she is ethical, clear and loving.”

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27. February 2018